Dazbo's Acme Blogging App on Google Cloud

Acme Blogging App Hosting on Google Cloud Platform


Foundation Build - Detailed Design

This page details the one-off steps required to build the cloud foundations.

Sections in this Page


A recap of the overall foundation process:


Google Cloud Identity

Here we configure users and groups.

Identities and Groups

Groups Members
gcp-billing-admins@domain Bob Billing-Admin
gcp-developers@domain Dave Dev
gcp-devops@domain Dave Dev
gcp-organization-admins@domain Dazbo Org-Admin-SA
gcp-project-viewers@domain Vanessa Viewer
Name Email Notes
Bob Billing-Admin bob-billing-admin@domain Can see and manage all billing information. No access to projects or project resources.
Dave Dev dave-dev@domain Can work with instances, connect to bastion, invoke functions, etc. Can only see monitoring and billing related to specific projects. No IAM. Cannot view secrets.
Dazbo Org-Admin dazbo-org-admin@domain  
Vanessa Viewer vanessa-viewer@domain Read only access to resources. Can see billing and monitoring data, including monitoring dashboards.

Additional Policies

Principal Role Resource
gcp-organization-admins Editor Non-Prod
gcp-organization-admins Secret Manager Admin Non-Prod
gcp-organization-admins Cloud Run Admin Org
gcp-organization-admins Cloud Functions Admin Org
gcp-organization-admins Service Account User Org
gcp-organization-admins Folder IAM Admin Org
gcp-organization-admins Monitoring Admin Org
gcp-organization-admins Monitoring Metrics Scopes Admin Org
gcp-organization-admins Editor Non-Prod
gcp-organization-admins Compute Network Admin Non-Prod
gcp-organization-admins Compute OS Login Non-Prod
gcp-organization-admins Compute OS Login External User Non-Prod
gcp-project-viewers Viewer Org
gcp-project-viewers Organisation Viewer Org
gcp-project-viewers Monitoring Viewer Org
gcp-devops Editor Non-Prod

Google Cloud Organisation Foundation

Here we configure the top-level organisation in GCP.

Bootstrap the Infra-Admin Project

This process automates the one-off creation of the shared Infra-Admin Project, which is itself a Project Factory. This is where we will persist our Terraform state and allow us to run subsequent Terraform configurations.

The process:


This Project Factory has been custom-built, through a combination of bash shell and a Terraform configuration.

Step 0

Pull the repo. Then:

cd iac/0-infra-bootstrap

# Configure variables for this org and for unique project IDs
source ../init_vars.sh

# Now run the bootstrap
sh ./boostrap_admin_project.sh

To Configure the Project Factory on Another Client

Pull the repo. Change to the infra folder. Then:

. init_vars.sh

# From boostrap_admin_project.sh
# - Obtain the service account key
# - Create backend.tf

Bootstrap the Cloud Build CI/CD Project

Rather than re-invent the wheel, here I’m using Terraform modules from the Google Cloud Foundation Toolkit (CFT) to help bootstrap the Cloud Build CI/CD environment.

Here we create a project for hosting the Cloud Build pipeline. It adds appropriate roles, and also creates a bucket to underpin the shared Google Container Repo.

Step 1

cd iac/1-cloud-build-shared-services
source ../init_vars.sh
gcloud config set project ${TF_VAR_admin_id}

# We need to point to a new state, but in the existing bucket
cat > backend.tf << EOF
terraform {
 backend "gcs" {
   bucket  = "${TF_VAR_admin_id}"
   prefix  = "terraform/cloud-build-ci/state"

terraform init
terraform validate

terraform plan -out cb-proj-plan.tfplan
terraform apply "cb-proj-plan.tfplan"


The output looks something like this:

cb_project_id = "cb-cloudbuild-6a53"
cb_sa = "800117839038@cloudbuild.gserviceaccount.com"
gcr_bucket_id = "eu.artifacts.cb-cloudbuild-6a53.appspot.com"
gcr_url = "eu.gcr.io/cb-cloudbuild-6a53"

Finally, enable vulnerability scanning on the new GCR through the Console.