Dazbo's Acme Blogging App on Google Cloud

Acme Blogging App Hosting on Google Cloud Platform


Billing and Dashboards

Sections in this Page

Access and Roles


Resources are labelled to facilitate slicing and dicing of data. Furthermore, the Project Factory enforces standard labels. These include:

Other labels could be added. This screenshot demonstrates how such views can be filtered:

Cost by Env Type

Billing Alerts

Billing alerts have been configured at 50%, 75%, 90%, and 100% of a specified threshold, with email alerts going to billing admins and billing account users.

Budget report

Custom Billing Reports

Billing Total

SKU report

Biling Exports

Billing exports have been enabled, meaning that billing data is automatically exported to Google BigQuery. From here:

SKU report

Billing Dashboards

The billing exports in BigQuery can be used as a data source to custom dashboards in Data Studio. Here I have configured a sample dashboard, presenting various views of the billing data, e.g. costs by service, costs by project, etc.

Billing Dashboard

The dashboard is available here (please request access).

Indicative Costs

Costs can be estimated from two main sources:

  1. The Google Cloud Pricing Calculator.
  2. The generated billing data.

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